Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week 2 Concludes

OK, so week two was a lot better than week one in many respects. We're getting through the workouts and we're each making improvements in either the weights or number of reps (or both) that we complete. I am looking more forward to the workout each day, and overall my energy level has been a lot higher (except for last night when I fell asleep at 8:30 but I'm not sure what that was all about).

I still hate the AB Ripper, but I can at least now do all of the exercises it contains, just not too many reps. Amiee is still way better at that one. My favorite workout remains the Kenpo Karate because it is so different from anything I've done before. Amiee's favorite is Shoulders & Arms, which if you choose the right amount of weights and reps is challenging, yet reasonable. Plus since its just upper body you don't have too much trouble walking the rest of the day or the next day...

Overall, I do feel a lot tighter, stronger and a lot more flexible. I actually was able to grab my toe during a yoga stretch the other night - something I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to do again, so my body is changing for the better. Amiee is less enthusiastic about the results, but continues to be a good sport.

As for the nutrition plan - after 14 days on the P90X diet Amiee and I were down only 3-4 pounds each, which we don't believe is nearly enough to justify eating egg whites every morning for breakfast and shoveling down four servings of vegetables every day. Let alone grilling chicken every-other-day and celebrating our daily Powerbar like it is something that actually tastes good! So, we've pretty much decided to ditch following the diet so closely. We'll still be mindful of our intake, and actually I think we'll both eat fewer calories than the diet called for, but we'll do it more with the foods we want to eat! Besides, as grueling as the workouts are we should still keep dropping pounds, especially as we work some muscle back into form.

We're almost out of the P90X Recovery Drink, and it's like $50 a bottle - so I did do some research and will soon be experimenting with an alternative. Supposedly Apple Juice with the right amount of protein mixed in will be just as good, plus a splash of creatine and glutamine powder - sound good? Can't wait to try it!

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