Outside of the Core torture DVD, the transition week was a relative break from the typical workout schedule. It did include Yoga, and I'm happy to report that I can now lean forward and grab both of my toes in a seated position - that's about 3-4 inches further of a stretch than I had 30 days ago so flexibility is definitely a positive outcome of this program. I'm also able to hold the poses much better, including Crane, where you lean forward in a tripod like position and balance all of your weight on your hands and wrists. I am pretty much the Crane master now - I can do it for almost the entire 30 seconds!
Kenpo is still our favorite and the most fun - and my left side punches and kicks may actually now knock someone down if landed. This too is huge progress! With transition week behind us it's full steam ahead to Phase 2!
Also - as an alternative to the P90X recovery drink I have been mixing all sorts of drinks with Vanilla flavored whey protein, plus sprinkling in Creatine and Glutamine. This is definitely a cheaper alternative to buying the P90X product. If you try it, I recommend Apple Juice - but it is higher in calories than my next two favorites, Fruit Punch Flavored Gatorade and White Cherry Flavored Powerade. Orange Gatorade or Powerade are also ok - just avoid the lemon-lime and the lemonade flavors - trust me...